Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tray 1 - Day 3

I wonder if I should really call this day three, since yesterday was really my first *full* day.

Last night before bed, I realized I was fairy sore so I popped a couple Tylenol and that turned out to solve the problem. I think I did pretty well on having them in for most of the day yesterday, they were probably out a total of 2.5+ hours.

I didn't wake up in much pain and I did my routine much the same as yesterday. I'm still pushing meals until I'm too hungry to wait anymore, which I don't like doing. I've heard from many people that they lose weight on these things, so that could be a happy perk for some people. Me and my energy level though are not thrilled by this.

I'm already better at taking the trays on and off, but there are still a few times, where they just wont budge and then it hurts when they finally do. I have noticed that when I've taken them out today that the teeth feel a bit loose - which is probably a good thing. Weird feeling though.

My dentist called to check on me and make sure I'm not in too much pain - so nice. I really think they thought I was going to be dying. It's not too bad though really. Having them in isn't quite as horrible as it was yesterday. I still talk funny, but I'm getting used to them. You know how if you bite your cheek that sore spot feels huuuge and annoying? It's like that only times 45. Aaah well. It'll get better.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 1 and 2 of Invisalign

First a smidge of back story...

I'll begin by saying, I have been looking forward to Invisalign for several years, maybe 6 or so. I'm a 32 year old woman. I've had poor teeth all of my life. Sure they're crooked, sure they're crowded, but that never bothered me not really. I have some staining that is more bothersome to me, but that is from childhood antibiotics and no bleaching will rid this grossness. Still, I'm very confident, I smile and I rarely think about these things. What caught my attention was during a visit to a new dentist, a hygienist asked me if I had thought about braces. I told her that sure I had thought about it, but I was fine, the look of them didn't bother me. She told me that the look is only a perk the real reason would be so I could *keep* my teeth longer than I might otherwise. This made me furrow my brow. I had never had it put this way. I immediately thought of my mother who in the recent past had been undergoing some terrible procedures with her teeth. I was horrified that the same or worse fate could be around the corner for me. The cost was too much, of course. I recently found I had enough in savings and during a 6-month cleaning, I told them to sign me up - even though I hadn't been planning on this. I was surprised at my rash, though maybe not so rash, decision and excited at the same time.

I went in a week or so later for some impressions and was told it would take 4-6 weeks to get them and in about 4 weeks I got a call to come look at the video and consult. The results looked great and confirmed I would be a 1-2 year case and that I would need attachments...more of them than I had anticipated. 7 at first but by the end of the visit we got them to 9. Apparently they help anchor stubborn teeth and move them better. I said, suuuure - why not...may as well make it worth it.

Day 1

All day I was stressing and moody. It was finally sinking in. Once I got to the dentist they started by putting the first trays on my teeth - felt just great. Of course that was short lived. They needed an hour with me to place on the attachments, or buttons or whatever they like to call them. They are just small-ish pieces of composite filling material with a light adhesive attached to the fronts of the teeth that need a bit extra. Getting the tooth prepped involves some drilling on the face of the tooth, some smelly adhesive, attaching the button and lighting it up and flossing to clean up *some* of the mess from the adhesive. I ended up with 5 on the top and 4 on the bottom. After those were in place, they put a tray in place...and wow...that as a much different feeling than the first time. Much tighter...but bearable. they put them both in and showed me a mirror. I was a bit depressed immediately. They weren't all that invisible with the buttons. In the bottom tray was a pool of blood from the floss action just a moment before. (I was told not to worry about that.) They showed me how to take them out and put them in, which was uncomfortable but not horrible. I tried myself and it just didn't took 3 tries both in and out to finally get it down a bit...still rough. They didn't hurt too badly in the teeth, tight, but not terrible. What I did notice, was the bottom tray had a very rough part in the lower lip/gum line area. I asked about this and they said it was just the nature of the trays and that each tray might be different but that wax wouldn't help and cutting them down could cause the tray to split and break. I was also told that if a button comes off to immediately come back in otherwise the tray would not be sitting correctly.

I was sent on my way with the next three trays (2-3 weeks per tray) and instructions on what do do and not do. The one that rang out was that this was going to hurt and when I switch to my next tray to do it at night and take ibuprofen before and sleep through most of the pain.

During the drive home, I decided that I would get home and let my husband see then remove them and leave them out until the evening when I would take some pain pills and sleep through it. The other part of the drive I spent brooding and tearing up about how I was now going to be disgusting for the next 1-2 years. (Yes, a bit dramatic...but come on one day to feel sorry for yourself should be allowed.)

I got home showed them off and removed them. I promptly had some wine and felt sorry for myself a bit longer. Having the trays out felt better on my lower gum line...but 9 of my teeth were rough and covered in adhesive and one was especially sharp and when I chewed any food, because of my bite, my upper teeth hit one of the lower ones and pretty much feels like it'll take it off if I'm not careful.

During the night I tried to find some encouraging words of advice and encouragement. I found very little. I did find a some posts that backed up the sore lip and the annoyance and the fact that they weren't all that invisible, but the thing that really struck me was the likely odor that would also occur. I had forgotten about that. During my reading what the main things I learned was: 1) only drink water while the trays are in. ONLY. 2) not only should you brush your trays immediately when you remove them, and your teeth after you eat, but floss. It's all quite logical...the food being trapped in your gums, then covered by the trays will make a breeding ground for bacteria. I began to panic a bit. I didn't want to be that person...the one with the smelly breath.

Bed time came, I reluctantly when through my routine of popping some Tylenol, flossing, brushing and fumbling with the trays until the were in and snug onto the attachments. It begins.

Day Two

I slept pretty well. I have TMJ. I typically grind my teeth (my husband has learned to push me a bit to get me to stop during sleep) and I clench my teeth which makes my jaw sore some nights. When I woke up, I expected to be in a lot of pain, but it wasn't too bad...nothing I couldn't handle. I realized my morning routine would need to be adjusted since I was supposed to be out of these things from 2-4 hours a day. I did a quick brush with them in, did a work out (normally i would eat first) showered, got ready for work. Brushed my Invisiline well with them in, removed them (clumsily) and brushed the inside the tray. I ate some breakfast, had a couple cups of coffee (normally I drink coffee in the car and then for most of the morning) after I flossed, brushed and replaced the trays (though they were a bit tender in one area - probably the most jacked up area) when I snapped them into place. The day was a busy one and typically I eat every 3 hours (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner) but by morning snack time I was too busy and it was too much of an ordeal to have to go to the bathroom, brush, come back, eat, go to the bathroom floss, brush, put back in. Eventually, I couldn't wait anymore and lunch was a necessity. I ate a bit more since I knew an afternoon snack wasn't likely to fall into the day's agenda (and it didn't).

No snacking was annoying, not drinking coffee was annoying (coffee is one of my favorite things of the day), but wow, was my mouth dry - my lips were driving me crazy. Aside from food and drink intake, the talking was not impossible, but not good. I have a lisp, I'm sure this will get better with some time, but I'm finding S's to be quite the challenge. The more talking I do, the more my lip gets cut and I talk worse and hold my mouth even more oddly. I read somewhere that someone used a file, I think I *must* try this.

By the time I got home my trays had been out for 1.5 hours already for the day. I took them out as soon as I got home and had some wine. I left them out until after dinner another hour in total. All in all my first day wasn't horrible...but not great.

I heard from a girlfriend who told me the first two weeks are the worst and to hang in there and that she also had a lisp and the lip cuts, but it would get better. I'm trying to keep the end goal in site, of keeping my teeth longer than I might otherwise.

Earlier, I was remembering how difficult it had been to find any information on what it was really like to have Invisalign, which is why I thought about doing this - and also to get out the ventings in my head instead of it being the main topic of discussion to those who really might be getting sick of hearing about it. I had some catching up to do, but I'll attach photo's and updates that won't be quite so wordy.