Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tray 1 - Day 4

Nothing too crazy new on day four.
The trays feel a bit less intrusive, still annoying, but not as bad. They are easier to get in and out, but I'm still having trouble with the lower ones. (Make sure you leave yourself some fingernail...mine are thin, so they don't help too much, but better than nothing.)
The most annoying thing I realized today was that when I talk it seems as though spit comes up through the top liner...I know, doesn't seep to be visible...but still, incredibly annoying.
I had them out for a long chunk of time today, around 4 hours at once (not including breakfast and lunch, which was probably about an hour total). Bad. It may have set me back a day, which I suppose isn't too terrible, I did notice when I put them back in, that they felt tighter everywhere and I'm about to take some Tylenol for it, because the pressure is getting distracting. I'm sure they'll snap back into place soon, but that is definitely something I shouldn't do often.

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